My Books
In Bed with the Atlantic (2018)
My first book, In Bed with the Atlantic, was published by Fernhurst Books in September 2018 – telling the story of how I, a non-sailor, found myself sailing around the Atlantic.
Far from grabbing the adventure with both hands, I was dogged by doubt, a belief that I wasn’t a ‘sailor’, never would be and that I was in no way capable of such an undertaking.
I hope that it will allow others to see that they don’t have to be ‘born adventurers’ and that even some of the most isolated parts of this world are open to you – all you need to do is go.
With maps, photographs and 18,000 miles of adventures, In Bed with the Atlantic was published by Fernhurst Books in September 2018 and is available to buy now from Amazon and Waterstones and all good bookshops!
“Kitiara is both humble and irrepressibly optimistic. She has a way of seeking out and retelling people’s stories.”
A Sailor’s Guide to Mindfulness (2024)
I signed the publishing deal for this book in January 2020 and went onto write the manuscript throughout lockdown. It was edited by the wonderful Simon Tilbury and then… oh. What with covid busy making chaos, the publishing house halted and then stopped the progress on many books, including this one. With the rights reverted to me, I’m thrilled to finally see this wonderful book published!
The Little Book of Zen (2022)
Sometimes I write books under pseudonyms for non-fiction publishers like the wonderful Summersdale. This book is particularly close to me and was life-changing to research and write.